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Joined 07-22-01, id: 97069
Yes, I'm rewriting my Bio. Feel special, you special people.

I am a Slytherin. I make up for my evil nature by doing the *occasional* good deed - ringing an ambulance when an old lady collapsed in the street for example. I am not a well balanced person. I am a freak. I enjoy being a freak and to confuse people (and myself) by letting them try to categorize me. I've found the best way to do this is to alternate my outfits: I will dress like a goth one day, a grunge chick the next, and a combination of the two on other occasions. I also wear the odd 'mainstream' outfit, though this is usually due to the fact that I haven't done my laundry - plus I like to see my friends react to me wearing pink, which is a colour too evil even for me.

I live way down under in Australia, I've recently turned 18 and don't ask me what my life is like because you won't like the answer. I guarantee it. I enjoy writing, drawing, reading and music. Other things tickle my fancy, but those were the first four to spring to mind.

I have two fics posted, both in the 'Work In Progress' stage, and another two or three on the backburner. One day I will scan the drawings based on my fics so you can all be as scarred as the friend whose opinion I sought is. That sentence DOES make sense, you just have to read it carefully. Bad grammar, punctuation and spelling drive me crazy, so I love reviews telling me where I've messed up in those areas (oh alright, and other areas if you must). Oh, if you're reading my stories and hoping for a happy ending, you'll be sorely disappointed.

Hope I haven't scared you all off. Read on. Check out my favourite authors too, some of them are good, the rest kick serious fanfictiony butt.

Oh, another thing. Please don't tell me that my stories are unoriginal. So far I have only posted Harry Potter fanfiction. There are 47785 HP fanfics on this site - with more being added every day. Not to mention there are a limited number of plots in the first place. I have not read a completely original story, novel or fic in years. There is no longer any such thing. If you disagree, contact me and I'll lecture you on the subject. Just don't bother to tell me it's been done before. I'm not intentionally plagiarizing anything. If a line looks incredibly familiar, tell me where it's from and I'll give it credit. Phrases that I've read (or heard) and liked end up lodged in my brain, and there are so many that I don't know where they all came from. I'm just trying to share my writing with you. You don't have to like it. Feel free to hate it, but don't think I'll take it to heart. Don't tell me my story sucks unless you can tell me why it sucks and how I can improve it. Criticism is fine, provided it's constructive.