Author has written 4 stories for Romance. Hi. I'm a terrible romance author. I write slash for adults, featuring adults. No magic high schools, no teenagers, no pissing and moaning vampire/werewolf clans. It's not like there's anything inherently wrong with those types of stories. A lot of people on this site are teenagers and write for teenagers. I just feel like there's an over-saturation and I'm an old, crotchety person who is creeped out and turned off by the notion of reading about seventeen year olds' sex lives. If you like to read about adults, stick around and see if you like the boring crap I churn out. If you know about any really good, believable slash involving adults, please recommend it to me. My tumblr account is WARNING: I highly recommend that you do NOT visit my tumblr blog unless you have read pretty much everything I've written, as most if not all questions and answers posted therein contain major spoilers. |