Author has written 19 stories for General, and Song.
Information... Hmm..
I have ICQ, AIM, and MSN messenger.. No, I'm not going to say what the names are. I've found that its really not a good idea. Therefore , you can either run a search for my email to find them, or you could do the polite thing and actually ask me via email, or make things simple and just email me any questions or whatever.
If you've got something negative to say then you can just put it in a review of the poem you didn't like.
Remember..If something I wrote ticks you off, that's a personal problem. Not mine. Living in North America gives me freedom of speech and my crappy poems are protected under that right, so if you're annoyed to a dangerous level by whatever I write, you can just keep rude or nasty remarks to yourself.
Constructive critiscm is fine, its very useful, but remarks such as "this poem sucks ass" is both uneccessary , immature, not to mention unoriginal and entirely stupid. I will now end this pointless rant. Thank you for your time.